Michele Coppola Wilson, Transitions Specialist
Virtual & In-Person Available/Lincroft, NJ
Specializing in
Marriage Reconciliation,
Separation and Divorce
Discernment Coaching Clients
"My husband and I were struggling in our marriage and we were ready to seek divorce attorneys. Our mediator suggested we go do some Discernment Coaching first to see if we could identify what had gone wrong in our 28 year marriage and if there was any chance of reconciliation. We had tried marriage counseling before, but this was different. It worked. We found out more about ourselves than we had ever done in therapy and we were each able to come to the marriage in a more healthy way. We are forever grateful to Michele.
Divorce Recovery Client
I have to thank Michele for her compassion, kindness, support, availability and encouragement. Without her cheerleading and guidance, I wouldn’t be ready to fly. There was never judgment from her—there was only validation in a safe place to cry, vent, and listen and learn. The wisdom and tools that Michele shared with me will continue to guide me in my lifetime. I am on my way into becoming the better, happier, healthier woman with boundaries that I once was and will become again! Thanks Michele!
Monmouth County
Marriage Coaching Client
"I recently found myself in a marriage that I had been fighting to save for many years, but now felt that I was going to give up the fight. I believe in marriage but just didn't care anymore. I reached out to Michele. Michele not only heard me, she listened. She picked up on what I thought were insignificant comments and brought them around full circle at a later, more appropriate time to show that I was not seeing the big picture. She showed me that I wasn't really ready to give up the fight. I have to believe there is nothing more regrettable than to realize one gave up too soon. Michele was able to bring forward the positives with my husband and our marriage. She helped me to focus on my husband's efforts when I couldn't see them myself. We talked about forgiveness. Be prepared to hear things you may not want to consider. Michele may point them out to you. But don't worry she's gentle. While I think that my marriage, and maybe all marriages, will always be challenging, I feel that Michele helped to guide me towards and down a road that has led me to a lasting and relatively happy marriage."
Radical Forgiveness Colleague
"Michele Wilson is the utmost professional. She is organized, articulate and has a profound compassion for others which is evident in the work she does with people in need."
-Sheila Martello, Founder
Stephy's Place Grief Center
Co-Mediator Partner
“Michele is one of those few people you meet that can transform lives. She heals people who are struggling and provides tools to develop lasting change. She is truly heaven sent.”
-Matthew Abatemarco, Attorney/Mediator
Pastor and Friend
"Michele Coppola-Wilson is gifted with a compassionate heart. As a deeply spiritual person, Michele knows healing broken hearts leads to family peace and harmony for all. I have been blessed to witness Michele's ministry and pledge to support her as a fellow minister in Christ always".
-Father Anthony J. Randazzo
Life Change & Transitions Inc. received a testimonial from the Diocese of Trenton
"Through a discernment and reconciliation process, couples on the verge of divorce are encouraged to try one more time to save their marriage. The divorce process is often messy, always painful and many times filled with the regret that something more could have been done. When the mental or physical health of spouses or their children are at risk, divorce may be inevitable, but often with prayer, trust in God, perseverance and proper assistance, couples or individuals can find the path to save their marriage. For more information on effective strategies and tools for a Catholic approach to marriage reconciliation. (Michele Coppola Wilson, Transitions Coach serving the Diocese of Trenton)."
"I am so thankful to Michele for her dedication in helping us save our marriage. Not only did she coach us towards reconciliation, she presented to us the opportunity to participate in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. We went this past weekend and it was a mix of a spiritual awakening, as well as a psychological approach. We found a way to communicate like never before. I feel like this is what we both were looking for to save our marriage. We became vulnerable. The fear, anger and jealousy went out the window and we connected on a different level. Michele was instrumental in her coaching sessions with us and I am grateful she told us about the Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. It was Heaven sent."
Paulina (and Cliff) Vercosa, Freehold
Testimonials from Divorce Support Group Participants
Divorce Support Group Participant
“I felt like a deer in headlights, totally lost and devastated after making a decision to separate from my wife of 30 years. Michele looked into my eyes and I felt a connection with someone who was going to help me get through this........her loving heart shined through her eyes! I’m blessed to have met her".​
Divorce Support Group Participant
"Michele, It's been a little over a year since my wife told me she wanted a divorce
and I went from a basket case to a man surrounded by some of the greatest people on earth.
Thank you for your ministry."
Divorce Support Group Member
Hi Michele, I just want you to know that I really think you help people. It is so important that people in pain have social contact with other people who care and understand. Like we have been taught in church, as disciples of Jesus we need to see Him in others. I love what you are doing. I truly believe Jesus is in it with you every step of the way!!!